Easter 2022
Dear Visitors,
We inform that the Museum of the Oldest Appellation in the World will have a special schedule on the Easter weekend.
Opening Time
Good Friday (15/04) | 11:00-13:00 am/14:00 – 18:30 pm*
Saturday (16/04) | 11:00 am – 18:30 pm*
Easter Sunday (17/04) | 11:00-13:00 am/14:00-18:30 pm*
Monday (18/04) | 10:30-13:00 am/14:00-18:30 pm*
(*Last entrance in the Museum – 18:00 pm)
You can contact our team and ask your questions through our website form, Facebook page, or by email to: geral@museurealcompanhiavelha.pt or anadias@realcompanhiavelha.pt.
We look forward for your visit.
Vila Nova de Gaia, 14th April 2022