Object of the Month - September 2020
Every month the Museum of the Oldest Appellation in the World highlights one of the many objects that are part of the collection shown in our permanent exhibition. Come and discover the object of the month and find out more about our history.
“Companhia Geral das Vinhas do Alto Douro is, with no exaggeration, the principal base of the trade in this city, being one of the greatest and most fruitful branches that promotes it; and the grand spirit that stimulates it, both in industry and in the general interests.”
Agostinho Rebelo da Costa, 1789
During the 18th and 19th centuries, this type of lead sign was used to identify the Oporto taverns where the Company’s wines were served on an exclusive basis . This item had the CADP brand, present in all Company shipments, the design of this brand offers a number of interpretations, which correspond to the different designations by which the firm was known, based on three key elements: Companhia, Alto Douro and Porto. The superimposed letters V and A, below, translate the Company’s commercial object: vinhos (wines), aguardentes (brandies) and vinagres (vinegars).
18th century
Real Companhia Velha
With: 1,7 cm x Height: 12,5 cm x Length: 16,8 cm