We are now concluding this series of digital content that addresses the different components of the corporate logo of Real Companhia Vellha. As we have seen, this emblem is comprised of four distinct elements: the royal arms (click here), the figure of Santa Marta (click here), the dragon (click here) and the Latin inscription “Providentia Regitur” that we will analyze next.
Its translation means “Divine Providence rules all”, in other words, nothing happens without God’s permission. The establishment of the Company occurs within the context of the Ancient Regime, when, despite the ‘enlightened’ effort of the Marquis of Pombal to separate Church and State, the former still had a decisive influence on the structures of power and society, so much that the religious element was present in all fields. In this case, since this is a majestic institution, this inscription serves to reinforce that, even in the scope of institutions, above the King there is God.
We concluded the analysis of the logo graphic design of this centuries-old company, unraveling all the meanings and mysteries involved in its emblems and components. This is a logo that represents the history of the Company, the strength of its past and the determination for a prosperous future.

Graphic representation of the latin inscription presented in the seventh area at the Museum of the Oldest Appellation in the World.